
Posts Tagged ‘edible plants’

A big, flat, rectangular vegetable garden is only one way to grow your food. It’s wonderful if you have it, but many homeowners lack the space, or the sunlight to garden that way.


Whether or not you have a traditional garden, there are many ways to incorporate edible plants into the rest of your landscape.


Kitchen garden at Bolen residence


Fruit trees add beauty to your landscape and food to your table. Try apples, peaches, pears or cherries.




Blueberry shrubs are pretty in all seasons, and don’t require full sun.




Herbs can be tucked into a sunny flowerbed or grown in containers. NOTE: Mints, should be grown in containers, unless you want to end up with an entire yard full of mint. They will spread relentlessly.

In fact, tomatoes, peppers, squash, and melons can all be grown in containers, and then arranges artfully to add interest to your landscape. They are all attractive and interesting plants.

Take a look around your landscape today. Where can you tuck in an edible or two?



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